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 more  INSIHTS Below



Gavin Newsom: Is this Socialist Savior, or Plump Jack headed to the White House?

Power From the People Is Technology the Elephant in the Energy Policy

Can the Old World Still Teach The New World a Thing or Two
When it Comes to the Basics?

UK Prime Minsister Sunak America's Donald Trump France's President Macron


WHEN  a country  loses it's soul, it's time to look at the way that facts and figures, and words and deeds are reported by the media. Two recent cases in point are Macron in France and Sunak in the UK as were widely criticised for their policies. Then both failed at the ballot box and were voted out of power.   But neither were vilified as felons, liars, sexual perverts and existential threats to their country's existence.

Sure, the French demonstrate by dumping tomatoes or even dead sheep on highways, sometimes blocking the roads into Paris, and some extremists throw cobblestones, only to be met with water cannon.  In the UK demonstrations are generally rowdy and baton charges and horseback riot control units are deployed. However, neither the Elysee Palace or Houses of Parliament have been physically attacked in centuries. Not so is the case in the New World, where Congress gets stormed  - some say ransacked - by rioters and now in a act of obscenity, some adolescent loner has taken a shot at a major candidate.

So, perhaps, there has never been a more dangerous time for all Americans than today.

And why?

Could  the answer be that half of America would like to see the country turn into a socialist paradise, and the other half would like a fascist dictator.

That's what the media would like us all to think and they have successfully deployed a lot of time and money for it to become an almost universal misconception.

The actual reality, however, is very different.

Even the most radical supporter of Make America Great Again would give a drink of water to a thirsty immigrant and the most ardent Biden supporter would like to be a become a billionaire

And I do not think that I am alone in my thinking.

So,  perhaps it's time for all Americans to start talking again and stop simply spouting the destructively violent rhetoric that the media have been peddling for decades?





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