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POWER POLITICS Can the Old World Still Teach The New Wortld a Thing or Two
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Gavin Newsom Surrogate
The Nation's Socialist Savior

IT SHOULD BE UNDERSTOOD, that as goveror Gavin Newsom today jets to Atlanta to be president Biden's mouthpiece, or surrogate, after the debate, he is inching closer and closer to being on the November ballot. It is quite possible that, depending on how the incumbent president performs in Thursday' debate, Democratic ticket will feature this outrageously incompetent Kennedy wannabee and the current equally incompetent vice present: a real dream-team for the far left, and a nightmare for the rest of us

Governor Newsom, best know for surviving two recalls, is important to the Left leaning American heirarchy, increased business taxes to the point where the successful simply left California, introduced new social programs for non-citizens and forced through new housing development mandates, which resulted in the state's $100B surplus changing to a staggering $73B deficit.

Less known as the politician who, to quell any possible objections from California's Republican politicians, shuttered Sacramento's House during the COVID years as he proceeded to sign into law hundreds of new socialist-leaning bills.

He may also be remembered as the politician who istituted the nation's most severe restrictions during COVID, shuttering churches,  schools, forcing the publilc off publlic beaches and an extreme mask mandate.

In his infamous 'let them eat cake moment,' while mere mortal Californians, thanks to his orders were confined to their homes, he was photographed dining with by two high-level members of California's Medical Association at the exclusive French Laundry restaurant in California's wine country. The restaurant is near the PlumpJack winery that he co-owns with a billionaire arch-socialist Gordon Getty.

Simply put, is Gavin Newsom fit to occupy the Oval Office?  


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