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 more  INSIGHTS Below


Domestic Violence: How COVID did more than just shut the world down.  GoTo
Energy Policies: Did you believe that we were all equal when it came to power  GoTo
Save The Children: Almost 100 years ago, it was said that media damaged children and society. GoTo
Politics Gone Woke: Could we be being set up for something better?  GoTo
California's Savior:  Should a State's Governor  becomes the state's caregiver?  GoTo


California's Undocumented to Receive Housing Payments:  $150,000 to familiess to enable house buying spree?  GoTo

Is Technology the Elephant in the Energy Policy

The ever increasing demand for electricity to power Cloud storage servers and crypto transaction processing added to the increased sales push for EV's now has to meet the major cooling demands of AI computer systems. And this is happening at a time when consumers have already been urged to conserve electricity usage.  And this might not have been disastrous for consumers had not so many states greatly reduced fossil fuel electricity generation in favor of alternatives such as wind power which, as yet, cannot take up the slack.

California is a prime example of problems that can only become more widespread: Sacramento has more than once told EV owners not to charge their vehicles because of electricity shortages and Pacific Gas and Electricity continually runs TV and print ads asking consumers to cut back electricity usage.

The graphic below best illustrates the present situation






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