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Domestic Violence: How COVID did more than just shut the world down.  GoTo
Energy Policies: Did you believe that we were all equal when it came to power  GoTo
Save The Children: Almost 100 years ago, it was said that media damaged children and society. GoTo
Politics Gone Woke: Could we be being set up for something better?  GoTo
California's Savior:  Should a State's Governor  becomes the state's caregiver?  GoTo


California's Undocumented to Receive Housing Payments:  $150,000 to familiess to enable house buying spree?  GoTo

  From Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, et al. 


 "There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children." Nelson Mandela, 1995


Why is it acceptable for social media to damage children as predicted in the then innovative entertainment industry of almost by 100 years ago?

In June 1929, William Seabury, the former General Council to the Motion Picture Board of Trade and the National Association of the Motion Picture Industry,  wrote a 2-page letter to the Hon. Kenneth R. Mcintosh at the Temple of Justice warning of the consequences of the potential negative impact on the youth of America of as featured in motion pictures.

And today we have a parallel situation.

In 2024, though disputed by the social media companies themselves, these companies have abrogated their responsibilities, ditching any form of Duty of Care, in favor of the children and their parents self-policing  content.  The result of which is general bullying, exposure to sexual content, grooming and dangerous stunts. 

And while the arguement goes back and forward as to who is responsible for any damage done, the social media companies claimingthat they are 'doing what they can,'  Artificial Intelligence is being deployed to make thier sites even more sticky, and therefore more dangeous to the world's youth. 

As Nelson Mandela said when he launched the Children's Fund in South Africa in May 1995, "  There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children."



protect children



Because change is often good,  it was refreshing when New Wave cinema appeared in the 1950's and when social issues became prevalent in 1960's television. But then the 1980's saw the creation of violent and overtly sexual video games, and in the 1990's  the Internet delivered the most significant social changes of  body-shaming, free pornography and fake news. Now, individually, most of these changes may not have had a great deal of societal influence but now these changes have combined, to influenced society for the worse.

How many are pleased that misogamy, violence and extreme sexuality have become big box office, or should for the sake of our children the media be held to higher standards?




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