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Domestic Violence: How COVID did more than just shut the world down.  GoTo
Energy Policies: Did you believe that we were all equal when it came to power  GoTo
Save The Children: Almost 100 years ago, it was said that media damaged children and society. GoTo
Politics Gone Woke: Could we be being set up for something better?  GoTo
California's Savior:  Should a State's Governor  becomes the state's caregiver?  GoTo


California's Undocumented to Receive Housing Payments:  $150,000 to familiess to enable house buying spree?  GoTo


New Analysis Shows 8% Increase in U.S. Domestic Violence Incidents Following Pandemic Stay-At-Home Orders

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A report released by the  shows that domestic violence incidents in the U.S. increased by 8.1% following the imposition of lockdown orders during the 2020 pandemic.

The findings are based on a systematic review of multiple U.S. and international studies that compared changes in the number of domestic violence incidents before and after jurisdictions began imposing stay-at-home restrictions early last year. The studies draw on a wide range of data, from logs of police calls for service to domestic violence crime reports, emergency hotline registries, health records, and other administrative documents.

While describing the evidence of an increase as strong, the authors say the precise dynamics driving the trend are less clear. They believe that lockdowns and pandemic-related economic impacts likely exacerbated factors typically associated with domestic violence, such as increased unemployment, stress associated with childcare and homeschooling, and increased financial insecurity, and that the increased use of alcohol and other substances as a coping strategy also may have elevated the threat.  read more


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