the street wall journal
not a Dow Jones company


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The Street Wall Journal has been created for anonymous writers and artists that needed a space on the Internet to express ideas without selling product or tracking visitors, and without being sexually pushy or generally offensive: a safe place for people to be entertained and occasionally enlightened.   We welcome letters that comment on our content of suggest that we cover issues that are generally ignored.   We avoid articles covering religion as the subject is often divisive and generally simply annoying. Email us your thoughts to and we guarantee to add them to this page.


June 2024

I suppose GSA is a case of “Art for Art’s Sake and Money for God’s Sake!”
I am not surprised to hear how GSA still operate, as a couple of years ago an artist friend of mine was offered work by GSA, but he would have to sign  an exclusive contract and then only work when there was a job for him.
If this sort of control with GSA grabbing and taking control of every wall they see is continued to be tollerated, individuality and a uniqueness of style could be lost forever as street art it becomes just another business.







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