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Flying Hell


This conversation hasn't happened (yet) between the White House, the Department of Homeland Security, the California governor and the military, but may some time in the future.


 The first shots forced everyone to take refuge behind their vehicles, as they were obviously out-gunned.

No way! You already have the best we have, Sergeant,” the captain shouted, just inches away from his junior officer's face. “You have ten HellFire drones, capable of taking out entire blocks, so a few drug dealers working out of a homeless camp in the Tenderloin shouldn't be a problem. Do you hear me? Just mop up and come back, and that's an order!”

With respect, Sir,” the sergeant started, with no emotion in his voice, “We're surrounded. And if you don't send reinforcements now we're all gonna die.”

Man-up, Sergeant, and I repeat, that's an order!”

The line went dead.

A deafening explosion could be heard across town.


Yes, Governor. It would seem that we have a problem, but nothing we can't deal with.”

'Don't bullshit me, Josh. We go back too far for that – I want just the truth. When I made you mayor you told me that you could fix San Francisco and it's only gotten worse.

Josh knew that this was likely the end of his career, so he just came out with it.

The reality, Governor, is that we're fighting drones, and my men just don't have the experience. We've already lost four men.”

That's better, Josh. Now whose drones are they? A Cartel, the Russians, aliens? I'll call in the National Guard immediately and it'll all be over.”

The wide TV screens in the mayor's office started to follow the action and Josh swallowed hard as he answered.

That's the problem, Sir, it's the National Guard's patrol drones that are attacking us. It's that new squad that were built for riot control.”

And did you test them with tear gas or live ammunition?”

Another image flickered into life as the HSS chief in the Oval Office joined the conversation.

The president has been listening in, Josh, and he also wants to know who why you went into a homeless camp with this kind of equipment?”

It wasn't supposed to happen like this, Sir. This was just a routine drug bust.”

Routine?' Questioned the president, with an ironic tone to his voice,” Are you watching CNN, Josh? They are suggesting this is an act of terrorism.”

Yes, Mr. President, as we speak.”

It looks like Iraq, Josh.” I can see burning buildings,” and he wished his name was not being used by everybody like a lash.

Some were equipped with incendiary devices, sir.”

So, let's start from the top Josh. Who controls these devices?”

They do,sir.

They? Who's they?”

No one sir. They are semi-autonomous.”

Not so semi, it would seem, Josh,” and the HSS chief was using his name again.

So, what's your game plan?” asked the president, as no one else seemed prepared to ask. “Just how do you intend to stop them from acting out against our citizens? You do understand what this looks like to the other side of the world, Josh? We defunded the police in favor of BLM, so should we send them in to take out these killing machines?” he asked sarcastically.

Not sure that's helpful, Mr. President,” Josh answered, with nothing left to lose.

Okay, Josh, Okay. So you it sounds like you don't have a way of calling them back, so we're going to have to call in some sharp shooter take them out. We'll have to destroy before more they destroy us.”

Josh wasn't sure what to respond to first, so he just came out with what he'd just been told. “I've just had a report of over fifty dead - mainly homeless, a few drug dealers and just a handful of citizens.”

The president wanted to say, these are all votes that have perished, Josh, but instead said, “They're all citizens Josh, and it has to stop now!”

The DSS chief was the next to speak. “Social media is cooperating and we've spoken to the usual unfriendly news channels, sir, and slapped them with an embargo on how they report this situation, so we are in control of the situation.”

But not of the drones?”

Not yet, Sir.” Everyone involved now recognized that they were in an endless loop.

I should explain why they are controlling themselves, Mr. President,” Josh started. Somehow they self-coded, as if to clean up the streets in a war zone. We suspect that somehow one of our war-games programmers used one of the terminals to access ….”

And it automatically gave the drones the idea that we were at war, Josh?”

Basically, yes, sir.” Josh realized at that moment that the homeless camp did look a bit like a war zone.

The military had been summoned to appraise the Commander in Chief of his options.

So who exactly are they attacking?” asked the military voice.

They started on just the police,” and he hesitated as he realized the use of the word 'just.' “But then their actions spread to the firefighters and it would seem anyone in uniform. There are reports of two meter maids – I mean meter wardens being shot.”

The president calmly asked, “How long will their batteries last?”

They are self-charging prototypes, Sir. I understand that they are quite innovative, involving wind and spinning blades to create some level of perpetual motion.”

There was a long silence on the phone.

Do we know they're mission in detail, Josh?”

No, Sir. But it looks like they're trying to clean up the city. At least they seem to be restricting themselves to the tenderloin district, Sir.”

Until they go after postal carriers,” the president thought, but stopped himself from voicing it.

At that point the Homeland Security chief intervened, “Josh, will twenty snipers be enough?”

Maybe, sir.”

Well, will it or won't it!” he snapped - anger was surfacing.

Well, Sir, there are thirty or so drones sir.”

Or so, Josh?”

I'm a little concerned, that if we start to shoot back, they will call for reinforcements, Sir.”

You're what? Next you'll be telling us that they carry tactical nuclear devices.”

That would be crazy, Sir. But, these guys are trained in self- defense, as well as attack. Their programming has been very thorough.”

Okay, let's stay calm and think ahead, Josh. Just immobilize those that are not already in the air.”

We looked into that, Sir, and it would seem that the drone barracks are locked, Sir.”

Well, that's good isn't it.”

Not really, Sir, as they lift off through a channel built into the roof.”

Then block the channel, Josh!

One of their own is monitoring that location, Sir.”

Just take out the damn thing! Blow it off the roof!”

Five men have already tried, Sir. They're the ones who died. It's an advanced defense cover-craft, and it's damn good at what it does. It hovers, it dives and it kills, Sir. And, when we take one out another just appears. It's like war games from Hell.

How many are there, Josh?” he asked trying to stay calm.

That's another problem, Sir.”

The third voice responded first.”

They self-build don't they, Josh?”

It seemed expedient, Sir. Cheaper for the public purse.”

Why wasn't the White House informed of any of this?”

The Pentagon knew, Sir. We were part of their pilot program. And, it seemed to be a governor's prerogative to protect his people.”

Not really working is it, Josh? And, don't tell us that they are capable of self-ordering supplies. I assume you have no way of knowing what supplies they have?

We can check the records, Sir.” Josh now knew that he was done - his reputation, his career, his future.

I'm happy to resign, Sir, if you think that's best... “


A series of explosions could be heard in the distance......



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