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#2  15 July 2024.          A FREE CIRCULATION JOURNAL        The Internet as it was Supposed to be.





'Art for Art's Sake, Money for God's Sake.'

Behind the friendly public face and its statements to improve cities, Global Street Art Business practices include; intimidation, threats, interference with trade and defamation...more...

When it comes to Democracy, Perhaps
The Old WOrld Can Still Teach the New World a Thing or Two

UK's Prime Minsister Sunak America's Donald Trump France's President Macron

WHEN  a country  loses it's soul, it's time to look at the way that facts and figures, and words and deeds are reported by the media. Two recent cases in point are Macron in France and Sunak in the UK as were widely criticised for their policies. Then both failed at the ballot box and were voted out of power.   But neither were vilified as felons, liars, sexual perverts and existential threats to their country's existence.

Is Technology Running Away With Our Power?


California is a prime example of problems that can only become more widespread: Sacramento has more than once told EV owners not to charge their vehicles because of electricity shortages and Pacific Gas and Electricity continually runs TV and print ads asking consumers to cut back electricity usage... read more

The illusive MF DOOM

In August 2012 Rapper and artist MF Doom was filmed painting this mural in Peter the Pleater's courtyard in Shoreditch, London, for Adidas. His inspiration was assisted by a 12 pack of Guinness.  Some weeks later the mural was vandalized. In 2017 the courtyard became part of the Shakespeare Stage Development, so it was gone for ever... more

Sure, the French demonstrate by dumping tomatoes or even dead sheep on highways, sometimes blocking the roads into Paris, and some extremists throw cobblestones, only to be met with water cannon.  In the UK demonstrations are generally rowdy and baton charges and horseback riot control units are deployed. However, neither the Elysee Palace or Houses of Parliament have been physically attacked in centuries. Not so is the case in the New World, where Congress gets stormed  - some say ransacked - by rioters and now in a act of obscenity, some adolescent loner has taken a shot at a major candidate.

So, perhaps, there has never been a more dangerous time for all Americans than today. And why? Could  the answer be that half of America would like to see the country turn into a socialist paradise, and the other half would like a fascist dictator.   

That's what the media would like us all to think and they have successfully deployed a lot of time and money for it to become an almost universal misconception.

The actual reality, however, is very different... As I suspet that even the most radical supporter of Make America Great Again would give a drink of water to a thirsty immigrant and the most ardent Biden supporter would like to be a become a billionaire.

And I do not think that I am alone in my thinking.

So,  perhaps it's time for all Americans to start talking again and stop simply spouting the destructively violent rhetoric that the media have been peddling for decades?

From Facebook, Instagram, TikTok.

"There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children." Nelson Mandela,

Why is it acceptable for social media to damage children as predicted in the then innovative entertainment industry of almost by 100 years ago?

In 2024, though disputed by the social media companies themselves, the companies have abrogated their responsibilities, ditching any form of Duty of Care, in favor of the children and their parents self-policing content. more


The Lesson AI Taught A Teacher:

AI used for plagiarism would be easily detected, but policing those who think it's okay could be tricky?

Jason leaned back on the bench and whispered to Keko, “Looks like he accepted it. Told you he would. No one can tell it's not my work.”

“I don't get it,” came the reply. “No one else has gotten higher than a B minus.”

“You really want to know? Come over to my place later and I'll show you.” Jason's nervous voice hid his intentions and they had nothing to do with essay writing.”

“In your dreams came the reply.”  ...more



"The image is the most valuable thing to humanity - without it we would be more animal than human."


Roger Molloy aka 'Puckish,' with 30 years of ex  perience behind the lens and 10 years in front of the gallery door, takes a mysterious approach to seeing.  Based on the whimsical character from Shakespeare's, "A Midsummer Night's Dream," Molloy believes, "The image is the most valuable thing to humanity - without it we would be more animal than human." (view TIME OUT article)  


 daniel henchman teapot

Is Auction House Photography Covered by Duty of Care, or Not?

If a picture is worth a thousand words, and an auction house post terrible images of an item online, and does not generate a off line catalogue to be used as a comparison, what does the picture tell prospective bidders? Well, that was the case in January 2024, when Sotheby's auctioned a pre-revolutionary Boston 1760 coin silver teapot. The teapot was broadly acclaimed by Sotheby's expert as 'being the missing link between English and American Silver,' having extensive engraving by a famous silversmith and featuring the profile of British revolutionary John Wilkes..... more.

BOOK ONE: The Silicon Valley Trilogy
mackeonis High Tech, Low Morals

First serialized online by the San Jose Mercury News in 1992, High Tech, Low Morals was the first full length novel to be published on a computer disk and is an exhibit at the Computer Museum. is now available as a paperback and Kindle..

Imagine, or try to remember, if you can, life before the internet and social media: a world without Google, Amazon, Meta, Facebook, TikTok, and X formally known as Twitter). A time when Silicon Valley and the world of high-tech had yet to dominate global markets, business was still almost done on a handshake and the 101 freeway from San Francisco airport to Sunnyvale was bustling with developers, bankers....and hustlers. more




 Is a Two-time Recall Survivor Governor Headed to Washington?


Gavin Newsom Surrogate


Governor Newsom, best know for surviving two recalls, is important to the Left leaning American hierrarchy, increased business taxes to the point where the successful simply left California, introduced new social programs for non-citizens and forced through new housing development mandates, which resulted in the state's $100B surplus changing to a staggering $73B deficit

Less known as the draconian-style politician who, locked down California's citizens and,  to overcome any possible rejection from California's minority party of Republican politicians, shuttered Sacramento's House during the COVID 19 years as he proceeded to sign into law hundreds of new socialist-leaning bills, translated by many, to benefit his personal beliefs over the interest of the majority of Californians  ...more


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